
Our parent notice boards can be located in each room. They both give you useful information. Our topic board in the Individual Rooms show the letter of the week & our daily activities.

The parent notice board in the main entrance hall contains lots of important information on issues such as staff changes, Parent's evening, policy information and other events. There is also space for you as parents to advertise any items that might be of interest to other Nursery users.

Our Nursery - More Exciting News

 Limited 30 hours government funded spaces available

Two Year Old Funded Spaces Available For Children Eligible 

City Way Nursery offers exceptional services for parents and children

Sessions available for 2-3 Year Old
  • Term time only
  • 9:15 - 12:15  3 year old 
  • 9:00 - 12:00  2 year old
  • 2 - 5 years
  • Government Funded Children for 3 Year olds *Free PLEASE NOTE THIS IS THE TERM AFTER THEIR 3RD BIRTHDAY
  • Non-funded £16.50 per session
  • Key Person System
  • Activities that encourage children to learn through play
  • Qualified, trained and friendly staff
  • Ofsted Inspected
Breakfast, After School Club & Holiday Club

5 - 11 Years
Reasonable Prices
We Serve 6 Schools In The Area
Registered With Medway Council As A ' Walking Bus ' Co-Coordinator
All School Routes Are Local Authority Approved
Holiday Club For Half Terms And Summer Break
Different Themed Sessions e.g. Nature, Cookery, Space ...
At City Way Nursery we aim to provide a safe, secure environment where parents, children, carers & everyone feels welcome.

Please call us on 01634 845724 should you require any further information, or to arrange a viewing.
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